Use of Diode Laser in Dentistry
Laser dentistry has been increasingly used in recent years. In dentistry, it has advantages such as bleeding-free surgical procedure, reduced need for anesthesia, reduced post-operative pain and disinfection. Laser is formed from the initials of the words "Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation". It is the amplification of light by the emission of radiation.
Low Level Laser Therapy; (LLLT)
It is known as biostimulation and soft laser. It is a laser that is a combination of semiconductor aluminum, gallium, arsenide, which is solid in its active state. It can be used safely on enamel, dentin and cement. It is not absorbed in dental tissues. It is used for soft tissue incision, periodontal treatment, canal and root canal sterilization, removal of dentin sensitivity and hypersensitivity, bite pain, teeth whitening.
Application of diode lasers accelerate wound healing;
It is used in the treatment of periimplantitis.
There is no need for anesthesia in laser biostimulation applications.
Dental lasers offer less invasive, non-bleeding and painless treatments. It is necessary to use protective glasses during laser use.
Laser and Pediatric Dentistry;
In pediatric dentistry, lasers have many uses in both hard and soft tissues. Soft tissue lasers are used in intracanal disinfection, tissue stimulation and soft tissue surgery. Laser use can be preferred in amputation and capping treatments.
It is used in many cases such as root canal shaping, apical resection, intracanal disinfection, removal of smear layer, occlusion of the apical foramen in endodontic treatments.
Photodynamic therapy with diode laser reduces microorganisms in root canal treatment of primary teeth with necrotic pulp.
With the use of lasers, the treatment time of pediatric patients is reduced and patient cooperation is increased during the treatment.
Diode lasers have a very important area of use in soft tissue injuries and dental traumas.
Since diode lasers apply lasers to the tissue at a low energy level, they stimulate the tissues in the region and create a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory effect.