Eating or drinking sweets for the teeth is a double problem. Sugary substances can damage the teeth and make them susceptible to sensitivity.
If you eat sugar often and don't practice consistent oral hygiene, additional damage to your teeth and gums can occur. All of these can contribute to teeth that are hypersensitive to sugar, as well as other sensations such as heat or cold.
Things to avoid
Eating and drinking sweets can cause discomfort in damaged or very sensitive teeth.
Some of the worst offenders include:
Hard candies and some syrups (especially cough syrups). Absorbed sugars stay in the mouth for a long time, creating an acid bath for the teeth.
Gummy or sticky sweets. Gummy candies, cream, dried fruit, and honey stick to teeth, giving bacteria plenty of time to grow.
Orange juice. It may not seem like the worst offender, but orange juice is high in sugar and natural citric acid content, which can corrode teeth even more.
Acidic, soft drinks. Colas and other sodas aren't just full of sugar, they're also acidic.
Damage to the teeth can lead to increased sensitivity to sugar. There are several reasons for this:
Enamel (dentin) loss
Sugary foods and drinks contain fermentable carbohydrates. Acid is produced when fermentable carbohydrates mix with harmful bacteria living in the mouth. Unless rinsed or brushed, acid removes minerals from tooth enamel, causing erosion.
Tooth enamel loss makes teeth more vulnerable and more sensitive to stimuli.
Saliva contains minerals that help restore minerals to tooth enamel. However, if you constantly snack on sweets like chocolate candy, your saliva has less chance to replenish the minerals your tooth enamel needs.