Porcelain Laminate Veneers

Porcelain Laminate Veneers
It is a technique used to permanently change the color and shape of teeth.
The development of adhesive bonding systems has made it possible to make laminate veneers containing only the labial surface of the teeth, with minimal or no preparation. Porcelain Laminate veneers are conservative restorations that provide good aesthetic results in teeth with discoloration, diastema, and deformities and require minimal tooth loss. It is generally used in the restoration of upper anterior teeth, and sometimes it is preferred in lower incisors and premolars.

When to Prefer Porcelain Lamina Veneers?

  • In closing diastemas between anterior teeth,
  • In teeth colored for various reasons,
  • In enamel hypoplasia and malformations,
  • In the presence of unaesthetic and unhealthy restorations on the labial surface of the teeth,
  • In eroded teeth,
  • In the absence of lateral teeth, in making the canine tooth lateral,
  • In open-bite cases,
  • Correction of partially rotated and malpositioned teeth,

Clinical crowns are preferred for lengthening short teeth.

When Should Porcelain Lamina Veneers Not Be Done?

  • In people with bruxism,
  • In cases where the enamel thickness is not sufficient,
  • Those with poor oral hygiene and a high incidence of caries,
  • In those who do not have enough enamel tissue to provide adequate adhesion,
  • In those with Class 3 malocclusion and head-to-head closure,
  • In teeth with excessive crowding and rotation,
  • In permanent teeth that have not completed eruption,
  • Porcelain laminate veneers cannot be made because acid etching cannot be performed on milk teeth and teeth with excessive fluorosis.
  • Porcelain laminate veneers generally do not require anesthesia, require little preparation, do not change color, have higher abrasion resistance than composites, have good adhesion to the enamel when etched with
  • Acid, are resistant to tensile and shear forces when adhered, have excellent aesthetic strength, and are resistant to liquid absorption. (saliva, water and other oral liquids) and short preparation times.

Difficult to change color after bonding, difficulty in repair, time-consuming construction, very fragile before bonding, high cost, difficulty in keeping it in the appropriate position on the tooth during rehearsals, cooperation with the physician and the laboratory, when the glaze deteriorates, the polish is more difficult than the composite have such disadvantages.

The resulting color of porcelain veneers depends not only on the thickness, opacity and color of the porcelain, but also on the thickness, color of the adhesive composite and the color of the underlying tooth.